how to add friend on discord 2023

Are you looking to connect with new people and make friends on Discord in 2023? Well, you’re in luck because I’m here to show you just how easy it is to add a friend on this popular platform. Discord has become a hub for socializing, gaming, and making new friends, so let’s dive in and learn how to expand your social circle!

The first step in adding a friend on Discord is to find their username and tag. Once you have this information, you can easily send them a friend request. To do this, simply click on the ‘Add Friend’ button on the Discord homepage and enter their username and tag. Once you’ve entered the information, click ‘Send Friend Request’ and wait for them to accept it.

If you’re in a mutual Discord server with the person you want to add, you can also send them a friend request by right-clicking on their username and selecting ‘Add Friend’. This is a quick and easy way to connect with people you’re already interacting with in a shared server.

Another option for adding friends on Discord is to use their unique friend code. This code can be found in the ‘Friends’ tab on the Discord homepage. Simply click on ‘Add Friend’ and enter their friend code to send them a friend request. This method is particularly useful if you don’t have their username and tag handy.

Once you’ve sent a friend request, all you have to do is sit back and wait for the other person to accept it. Once they do, you’ll be able to see when they’re online, message them directly, and even join voice calls with them. Building connections and fostering new friendships on Discord has never been easier!

So, don’t be shy – reach out and add some new friends on Discord in 2023. Who knows, you might just find your new gaming buddy, study partner, or even romantic interest. Happy friending!

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